Oh happy day
Samlingsskiva som innehåller tio engelska titlar. Gavs ut som en hyllning till bortgångne brodern Tommy, som sjunger många av solopartierna.
Utgiven på skivmärke Clav. Fotograf var Albert Engström "Foto-Engström" i Sundsvall, ateljéfoto.
Text från baksidan:
The Record you are holding in your hand right now, is something unique. It is a document of the gospel group NORLINS, their musical life from 1972 till 1974. The group, which comes from Sweden and from one and the same family, have been touring Scandinavia the last 10 years and have also had the opportunity to visit the US. The unique thing about this record, is not due to the songs you will be listening to, neither any special arrangements, nor lyrics but the fact that this is a document. On this record you´ll be listening to the great soloist of the group TOMMY NORLIN, who unfortunately was killed in a car accident in 1977 only 26 years old. But his voice still remains and is alive on this tracks. The desire of the group to share the rich experiences of a dear brother and a nobel man, especially to those, who never had the opportunity to listen to him on stage has come true through this album. Today the gospel group NORLINS consists of 8 brothers and sisters, who more intensively than ever feel the mission to reach out to more and more people throughout the world. Take care of this document. Feel the joy of singing and let it be the start of your continuous experiences of the gospel music.