Lova Herren
Praise the Lord
Recorded at Clav Music studio in Sundsvall 1985. The Norlins made the arrangements and some of the best musicians in Sundsvall were used. On a couple of tracks the younger generation, ten of the cousins, 5 - 16 years of age.
Released of the Clav label.
Photo: Bo Schilling, Sundsvall. Exterior from Thulegatan 24 in Sundsvall.

Kung Jesus
Tro bara tro
Minnet av hemmet
Min själ den väntar
Hälsa dig, välkommen hem
Vi bo ej här
Trädets sång
Lova Herren
Vilken vän
Han är likadan i dag
Down by the riverside
Hans blod
Det lilla ljus jag har
Audio clip:
